December 2021 Newsletter

December 2021 Newsletter

2021 After another disrupted year, I’m sure everyone is looking forward to summer and all the out of Auckland Bach owners finally being able to enjoy spending time at the bay. Annual Breckfast BBQ The Committee have taken the decision to cancel the Annual BBQ...
October 2021 Newsletter

October 2021 Newsletter

Community Update How ever you’re spending your Lockdown, we hope it’s going well for you.With the improving weather and loosening of Level 3 restrictions, it’s good to be able to do some more of the things we enjoy. As it is now Wasp season, we have included in this...
April 2021 Newsletter

April 2021 Newsletter

Annual Breckfast BBQ After a false start due to weather, we managed to have our New Year’s annual BBQ on the reserve. It was an enjoyable morning and good to see so many residents able to come along. Thanks to our Sponsors on the day: Anna Carmichael, New World...
December 2020 Newsletter

December 2020 Newsletter

After the year we’ve had, I’m sure everyone is looking forward to summer and spending time at the bay. Annual Breckfast BBQ The annual breakfast BBQ will be held on Saturday 2nd January starting from 8.30am on the beach reserve, weather permitting. Should the weather...
September 2020 Newsletter

September 2020 Newsletter

Thank you to our Residents Since Covid-19 changed the way we live, we have seen many people step up and help others both in the Bay and our wider community. Whether it was to help with grocery shopping, a greeting while out exercising, keeping in touch with a...