Algies Bay Ratepayers and Residents Association

Who we are


Algies Bay Resident and Ratepayers Association has been functioning for many years and has built a solid reputation and forged a strong relationship with Auckland Council, Local Rodney Board, and other statutory bodies. These relationships have provided the opportunity for considerable improvements to our bay such as replacement seawalls, upgraded main reserve and carparking. Also, the children’s playground was upgraded and attracts children from our community as well as visitors.

What are we about?

Our Association is an independent organization, the foremost objective is to represent the residents of Algies Bay.

Our Association provides a forum within which members can identify, discuss, and deal with local issues and concerns, and provide a unified voice to represent those issues and concerns with the Auckland Council, the Local Rodney Board and other statuary parties.


  • We are a non-political association of local Ratepayers and Residents
  • We represent the views of our members in all matters affecting Algies Bay
  • We work with local clubs, businesses and groups
  • We provide a forum for discussion on local issues
  • We work with Auckland Council, the Local Rodney Board, other statuary parties on local environment and planning matters
  • We make non-partisan submissions to local bodies on legislation that affects Algies Bay
  • We maintain links with other groups and relevant organisations in Warkworth, Snells Beach and Restore Rodney East (RRE) to make sure our voices are heard.
  • Association operational costs are funded by membership subscriptions


Our Organization

  • Our Annual General Meeting is held every year in the month of April. The date for the AGM is advised before year end and communicated via our email system. Committee members are elected by current members of the Association at this meeting.
  • Our committee consists of 10 elected members, Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and 7 Committee members
  • Monthly meetings are generally held at the Sandspit Yacht Club rooms, the second Wednesday of each month
  • Special meetings can be arranged on an issue-by-issue basis.
  • Members are welcome to attend or speak at the open forum to raise matters
  • Contact us via email




  • Membership is $10 per household. It is important for our Association to have a high membership base as it helps significantly towards continuous improvements to Algies Bay. This has been evident with many improvements over the last 10 years or more
  • The membership subscription supports the running costs of the Association such as our website, administration costs, venue hire etc.




Our committee relies on volunteers to continue the magnificent work done by our predecessors. It is important for us to have a succession plan to ensure we have new blood with innovative ideas and motivation to make Algies Bay a great place to live and encourage visitors to come enjoy the wonderful Kawau Bay. Time commitment is typically 2-3 hours/month.


Our Association is always keen to hear from residents who want to join our committee to continue to build on the improvements already completed and those underway.


Our Association is keen to have people who are passionate about Algies Bay, enjoy meeting people from all walks of life and above all keen to get involved in the community to continue the good work already achieved over many years. Past involvement in committees and dealing with other organizations would be an advantage as the Association does have the need to work with Auckland Council and other authorities from time to time.


If you are one of those people who would like to join our committee please contact us at We would be pleased to welcome you to one of our meetings to understand what is required to maintain a well-respected Association

Photos of recent projects driven by the

Algies Bay Resident and Ratepayers Association

Native tree planting with more than 40 volunteers from the bay helping. Thanks Council for supplying the plants and to Dan Marrow for coordinating the project

Local company Mason Contractors making the upgrade of the southern end seawall. Great to see local content used for these projects

Click the Link  for details and registration

Algies Bay convey – meet at boatramp 10am for 10:15 departure

One of the most beautiful and unspoilt areas just north of Auckland


 For the visitor and residents, Algies Bay offers fantastic fishing, swimming, water skiing and other water recreational activities. It is the home of the Sandspit Junior Sailing and is the centre for local regattas and sailing tuition.

The area has three public reserves, toilet facilities, two playgrounds, a Petanque Court and nearby Highfield Reserve offers fantastic views over Kawau Bay as well as having a group of resident donkeys who really enjoy meeting visitors and making friends.

Just over the water from the Bay is Kawau Island, made famous by Sir George Grey, and visitors may wish to visit Mansion House by catching a ferry from Sandspit or when just boating in the Bay

Relax at the Beach

Donkey Park


Island Exploring

Boat Ramp

Kawau Island

See the local activities on offer in and arround Algies Bay


Access from Algies bay to some of New Zealands Best Fishing spots


Latest News and Events

Are we safe to swim in our Bay?

Are we safe to swim in our Bay?

Are we safe to swim in our Bay?Safe Swim Auckland is coming to explain to us how their water testing operation works, where they are testing and what their figures mean regarding our safety when in the water. How does it all work? Come and see! Safe swim Auckland is a...

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December 2023 Newsletter

December 2023 Newsletter

Firstly, we would like to welcome new residents into our bay, and we are sure you will quickly come to realize that you have made a good choice of location. There are several topics in this newsletter which are important for our bay going forward and will need support from our residents. As you read further, you’ll catch up on these important project

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