Are we safe to swim in our Bay?

Are we safe to swim in our Bay?

Safe Swim Auckland is coming to explain to us how their water testing operation works, where they are testing and what their figures mean regarding our safety when in the water. How does it all work? Come and see!

Safe swim Auckland is a partnership between Auckland Council, Surf lifesaving-Northern region, Auckland Regional Health and Watercare.

Speakers are

Dr Martin Neale PhD, Environmental Science; Safeswim Technical Lead

Holly Foreman, BSc hons, Marine Geography; Senior Healthy Waters Specialist – Safeswim Project Manager

Come along for this most informative talk, ALL WELCOME

Tuesday 13th April 2021, 7pm  Snells Beach Community Centre

If you would like to send in questions for the speakers prior to the meeting, send to

Mark Dinniss:-

Convened jointly by Snells Beach and Algies Bay Ratepayers and Residents Assoc with Friends of AwaMatakanakana (FOAM)